How to Learn JavaScript: 5 Great Options

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world, according to the Stack Overflow annual survey. It’s earned that top spot every year since 2015.

Another study from DevSkiller found that 72% of companies look for JavaScript developers. Employers want to know that new hires can work with the widely-used language.

If you want to become a professional software engineer, it’s a good idea to learn JavaScript. But how should you go about it?

Different people like to learn in different ways, so we’re providing a list of five great ways to learn JavaScript, including coding bootcamps, online tutorials, traditional college degrees, and more. Check them out to see what works best for you.

5. Books & Ebooks

How to learn JavaScriptBooks and ebooks provide access to a ton of information about JavaScript, from the history of the language to the way it impacts the world, to how to get started. Readers of all skill levels – including total beginners – can gain an understanding of the language through books.

It can be difficult, though, to become a JavaScript expert on books alone. Included images and graphics might fill some of the gaps, but books can’t dynamically demonstrate how JavaScript works with the same vigor as other, more interactive learning sources. With that said, books and ebooks can provide a strong introduction to JavaScript and make for great supplemental material as you continue learning.

4. Video Tutorials

Videos allow viewers to learn JavaScript in a visual way. While there isn’t live instruction or interaction, many online videos can help viewers feel like they’re learning in an online classroom setting, with someone guiding them through exercises and lessons.

To get the most out of video tutorials, especially if you want to become proficient in JavaScript, you’ll need to be self-driven, disciplined, and focused. If you stay on top of the available resources, you can develop and enhance your skills.

For many though, it’s difficult to stay on pace or know exactly what to learn in what order. With that in mind, JavaScript-focused videos are often a great place to start learning JavaScript, though it can be difficult to become proficient via this path alone.

3. Professional Certifications

Professional certifications provide two benefits: quick, focused education, and a credential that can be added to your resume, making you more attractive to employers.

These certifications are offered by industry associations and companies that create software and technology. (Adobe, for example, has certifications for graphic designers.)

JavaScript certifications can help you demonstrate your understanding of the language. These certifications are often attained by people already working in tech (or other) fields who are trying to learn new, useful skills and tools to boost their value over time.

2. College Degrees

People with software-related degrees are important contributors to the tech industry. These individuals not only have the tech skills to create, enhance, and fix programs, but they’re also trained to identify problems, set goals, work in teams, and develop new strategies.

Traditional college degrees remain a great way to develop tech skills, including an understanding of JavaScript – but they can take a lot of time and often a lot of money, too. For some, these are insurmountable barriers.

1. Coding Bootcamps

In coding bootcamps, students learn the technical skills required for a software engineering career using JavaScript and other popular coding languages. The Hack Reactor curriculum, for example, is focused on developing skills that shape students into professionals who can immediately contribute to companies and other organizations. This begins with coding fundamentals, including a strong focus on JavaScript.

Students in coding bootcamps also have access to career services and an alumni community that helps them land their first software engineering job.

By providing fast, focused education at a fraction of the cost of a four-year degree – while also delivering a guided, hands-on education from industry experts – coding bootcamps are a great way to learn JavaScript.


Ready to start learning JavaScript in a coding bootcamp?

Our Intermediate and Beginner Coding Bootcamps teach JavaScript as a foundational coding language for professional software engineering. Learn more and start the application process!

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